About Gary Tharaldson

A Man of Passion

“We kept our business real simple. We had four criteria: great location, great people and management, great product, and a great franchisee. Whatever you can conceive and believe — you can achieve. This is only done with retaining great employees,” remarked Gary Tharaldson to University of Mary business students in 2005, after receiving one of University of Mary’s highest honors, the Year of the Entrepreneur Award, from President Sister Thomas Welder, Governor John Hoeven, and former Governor Ed Schafer. Gary has been listed as the wealthiest person in North Dakota since the late 1990s and made the Forbes 400 list of America's richest in 1997 and 1998.
Gary has lived by those words throughout his life, becoming the nation’s most successful individual hotel builder and operator, and becoming a billionaire while remaining true to his North Dakota values and roots. These are the words business students at the University of Mary take to heart every day at the Gary Tharaldson School of Business.
Open Secrets of Success: The Gary Tharaldson Story
Open Secrets of Success: The Gary Tharaldson Story by Patrick McCloskey is a great resource for every entrepreneur, business student, and teacher.